On March 4 or 5, 1986 (I think the 4th since it occured after midnite) I was walking past a desk where someone was reading the NY Daily News. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a picture of the Band. In an instant, literally a fraction of a second between seeing that and turning to ask the person reading it let me see it two things registered:
1) They shouldn't be in an article in a newspaper. Although the first rock group to appear on a Time Magazine cover they never seemed to be about fame or publicity (or commercialization).
2) It was in the front pf the paper. If it was a story about music it would be somewhere else like the middle.
As I focused on the headline I was horrified. I hurried to my office, closed the door and cried. He was the best."
- Ira Fink Thurs Dec 27, 2012
"I knew Richard when I was very young. He was a Revol and then a Hawk. The Hawks were my idols. We lost touch as I grew older and had a family of my own. I think about Richard and Rick and Levon often and I smile."
- Rick Allen Sun Dec 23, 2012
"I met him once in 1985 with Rick. Our band opened for them. Richard was a nice guy, very quiet and reserved compared to Rick's outsize personality. I remember asking him the real words to "Chest Fever" and him sort of shaking his head when reciting them as if to say "beats me, too"
- Bill Maruca Sun Dec 23, 2012
"Whispering Pines is one of my Band favorites (that voice), never was able to see him live...my loss, but his recordings live on at our home...forever."
- Michael Power Sun Dec 23, 2012
"visited Richard's grave today, i didn't have any flowers for him so i left him my lip balm.. i dunno, maybe he could use it ♥"
- Ali Houston Sun Dec 23, 2012
"I saw Richard play with Dylan in December '65...still one of the most amazing shows I have ever seen in 50 years!!!"
- Bradley M Stovall Sun Dec 23, 2012
"Never Met the man but he is a music icon to me . Almost god like in my eyes. I miss him a lot."
- Rich Kluender Thu, Dec 20, 2012
"Saw the Band around Stage Fright in Philly- someone handed Richard a pumpkin out of the crowd & he put it on top of the piano for the encore"
- Chris Rollins Thu, Dec 20, 2012
"I was born on the wrong continent and the wrong time to have known him or to have seen him on stage.The first Band song I ever heard was "Up On Cripple Creek", and I immediately fell in love with the sound of it, and even though many people wouldn't deem it "Richard's song", I think those rollicking boogie-woogie piano licks and his falsetto voice helped shape the song as it is.And then I got hold of "The Band", which commences as we all know with that deep and soulfoul voice. I don't think words can adequately explain exactly how I feel about Richard, but there's something to him, like an enigma. I think each of the members of The Band had their own thing going on, and in Richard, there was something so pure and hurtful, I'm not sure I can fully explain that feeling.It's amazing, though, and inspiring."
- Imar Koutchoukali Thu, Dec 20, 2012
"Richard was an awesome talent! I was lucky enough to see him three times in concert with the Band. The first time I saw him was with Bob Dylan in Seattle in '74, an awesome show!"
- Jack Hankins Thu, Dec 20, 2012
"The nite that Richard passed.. I was at the show. He sounded so great so soulful. After the show he walked right by me. I complimented him on his voice. He looked straight ahead no words to me. So I said some unkind words to him. It messed my head up for a long time. Years after that I told Rick Danko the story. Rick told me.. you didn't do anything wrong .. we lost Richard long before that nite"
- William Cody Thu, Dec 20, 2012
"I attended UMass Amherst, which is near Lennox. Saw the Band numerous times at an outdoor venue I think was named "the music shed." Or something like that. Wonder if any recordings survive?"
- Jeff Boudreau Thu, Dec 20, 2012